Friday, December 30, 2011

Peggy Noonan

The long-time speechwriter turned columnist, Peggy Noonan, is an establishment Republican in a skirt.  Today's Wall Street Journal column asserts that the best Republican candidiates didn't run, enumerating Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan, Haley Barbour and John Thune.  Now there's a list of exciting guys for you.  Do you know who they are?  Their credentials perhaps?  There's not a president in that list.  Each has publicly said he did not want the job.  I accept that as a serious disqualification for consideration.

Notice who Noonan left out?  Chris Christie.  Oversight of a slightly senile writer perhaps?  Or deliberate slap at a conservative?  Anyone else?  Florida's new Senator, Marco Rubio, is a sure-thing as an eventual Republican candidate.  He's got "it" and is already being touted by many conservative but not by Noonan or the Establishment she represents.

If Romeny had Christie's or Rubio's personality (or even a personality), Obama would be toast.  Instead, we're getting McCain & Dole redux in Romney.  Smart, experienced and dull  to run against a cool, slick Obama.  The Republican Establishment gets what it deserves.  The problem is that we don't deserve what they offer us.

As it is, no matter who runs for the Republicans, it will likely be a fairly close election.  I doubt it will be a landslide against Obama because of the NAM voters, the suppression of the military voters and whatever other skulduggery the Chicogo thugs concoct.

Happy New Year!

Ni Hao

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times described a state-wide experiment whereby children are taught half-day in English and half-day in another language.  Apparently there are some 200 such elementary schools in the program.  In Venice, a beach town below Santa Monica and above LAX, the second language is Mandarin.  The Venice elementary school, which had been plagued by low attendance, is now nearly overwhelmed with new students enrolled in that program.


Because the kids in the Mandarin program are overwhelmingly white and Asian whereas the school was overwelmingly black and brown before.  Few white or Asian parents want their kids to go to a heavily black and/or brown school.  Parents know what politicians, social scientists and others of the politically correct ilk refuse to admit.

Black and brown kids, as a whole, are nowhere near as educationally capable as white and Asian kids.  It is tough to say that but it's true.  And thus you find few whites who willingly send their kids to other than a white/Asian school, public or private.

Zai jian.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dumbell Biden on Opportunity

J. Biden, our vice-president, is the best reason to pray for the Obama's health.  Graduating 506th in a class of 688 law students, he "worked" as a public defender for 4 years and was then elected to the Senate by his fellow morons in Delaware.  That was Biden's last and sole recognition of "opportunity".

He has worked for the federal government since 1972, almost 40 years.  He knows nothing of the private sector; nothing about job creation and less about how to make either function better for Americans.  Obama doesn't either and for the same reasons.  Neither has an ounce of private experience; Obama additionally despises the private sector.  Biden is just too dumb to comprehend it.

So when Biden bloviates about "the opportunity society", ignore him.  In the article he wrote on the subject, he shows an appalling misunderstading of basic grammar as well.  As a well-known plagiarist, perhaps he didn't actually write the article but it does carry his name as author.  Thus, like Rand Paul's bigoted newsletters, Biden owns it.

Biden is well-known for what the Democrat media terms "gaffes".  Wrong.  Biden is just dumb.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Romney on O'Reilly's Show

Bill O'Reilly just finished interviewing Willard Romney.  O'Reilly, as usual, will brag about his "tough" questioning and his sycophantic regulars will nod in agreement but, in fact, O'Reilly softballed Willard and I nearly napped while trying to pay attention.  Partly, that is Romney's fault.  He's such a bore which is one reason folks don't cotton to him much.  His answers are rote, unenthusiastic and scripted.  If elected, such pap is what we'll get from Willard the Robot.  I recall Willard recently produced some 157 ways to produce jobs or run the country or somethng.  The "plan" sank quickly into well-deserved oblivion.  I suspect Willard will produce endless plans few can follow should he be elected.   Maybe that's the idea.  Normal people can't understand anything any government produces or what most politicians say.

Willard and the others are boring; not stupid, just plain boring; all of them.

Except one.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Obama's Fairness

Once again the community organizer is rousing the community rabble with the bread and circus chant of fairness.  It's a unique form of fariness though.  It is only to be imposed on rich people, though where rich begins is a variable.  And it is intended only to benefit the 'poor'.  The poor are always Obama's intended beneficiaries and they all look alike.  They are either black or brown so they are easily distinguished from white or Asian people.  Often, those people are referred to as NAMS, Non-Asian MinoritieS.

"Fairness" for Hussein Obama and other black and brown socialists only exists when it applies to people of color other than white or yellow.  Black and brown people are unfairly granted admission to universities or unfairly placed on civil-service job lists ahead of the NAMS under color of government policies even though black and brown people are less qualified.

"Less qualified" you say?  "Yes", I say.  "Blacks and browns are dumber than whites or Asians."

I think that's a fair statement.

But Romney's Electable

Who says so?

Knowledgeable presidential politicians such as John McCain and other Republican grandees.  That's who.  They almost all say that.  Why they say that I don't know.

Romeny has not been able to get past the 25% support mark in this campaign.  He was so disliked as governor of Massachusetts that he decided not to run for re-election as he knew he'd lose.  I read recently that Romney has run in 22 different elections.  He has lost 17.  Romney is batting 230 in the election game  That's fact, not prediction.

So, why does the Republican Establishment declare Romney to be electable?  It can't be because they hate Gingrich; they held this position from the beginning, before Gingrich's rise.  They're not stupid; it's not a deathwish.  It makes no sense at all.

Based on history, Romney is UNelectable; he's simply not liked by voters; he lacks the requisite charisma.  He ain't got it.  But, just like the statists they are, the Republican grandees know what's best for its voters.  They forced Bob Dole and John McCain on the party faithful and are trying again with Romney.  I don't think it will work this time around either.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Uselss College Degrees

One point which was inferred from the Occupy snots was that their colllege degrees were essentially useless for employment purposes.  That is not uncommon.  After all, if you run a business, how many Chicano Studies majors can you use?  Or Black, Feminist, Transgendered graduates who can help with your bottom line.  Mostly, those types work for government or other fascist groups so that they may impose their belief systems on your dissimilar lifestyle.

It used to be that "basket weaving" was the caricature of a useless college degree program.  Athletes were supposedly enrolled therein so that they could continue to play footbal or basketball to bring in TV dollars to universities to help pay for the $1 million annual salaries of the presidents of such institutions of higher learning.  (If you think I'm overstating incomes, you're mistaken.)

This is an element of the now popular "education bubble" which deals heavily in useless degrees.  My own undergraduate degrees are in English Literature with minors in philosophy and Latin.  (I waited 39 years after college before earning my JD.)  Now my undergrad work is somewhat useless but, somehow, I persuaded IBM to hire me.  I even went to work a few weeks prior to my actual graduation.  "Going to work" was an early habit: I started working at 11 as a delivery boy, pumping a bicycle loaded with foodstuffs and delivering them around my neighborhood in The Bronx.  I'm still working, full-time, decades later.  I have hungry mouths to feed with my second family.

Maybe Newt is on to something that could assist those others of us with useless degrees.  What's that you ask?  Work:  the curse of the drinking class.

Toys for Snots

While driving back to LA from a rural court appearance, I listened to a radio show caller talking about the Occupy crowd.  He suggested that Americans organize a Christmas gift drive  for them and call it: Toys for Snots.

Sounds just about right to me.

The Snots have now been thrown under the bus by the liberal media which has recognized that most Americans have no use for their antics.  Of a sudden, Democrat politicians have forgotten their earlier endorsement of the Snots.  (Elizabeth Warren comes to mind.)  Liberal city mayors have evicted the Snots from city parks which they only did when the Snots ran afoul of general public disapproval otherwise the Snots would yet be pooping in public places.  Mainstream TV and press coverage is about nil.

Sic transit gloria mundi.  And good riddance.
