Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly is one of the more well-known Fox News opinion pundits.  As he nightly brays, his show is seen by more than all others in his time slot combined.  My question is: "Why?"  He is transparently fake: "the spin stops here; we're looking out for you, the folks" and more such drivel.

Rarely have I grown to dislike someone as much as he.  A bully, boor and just plain obnoxious know-little, he makes Newt Gingrich appear humble.  No guest is allowed to speak without interruption, often people aren't allowed to finish a sentence.  Regular contributors take this guff because of the money and exposure but, frankly, I'd rather be poor.

The last straw was O'Reilly's analysis of the recent gasoline price increases and his proposed solution.  First, his 'analysis'.  Prices are rising because American producers are shipping product internationally thus reducing domestic supply and increasing domestic prices.  Assume that's true.  Does O'Reilly have a solution?  You betcha' and it's a doozie.  Here goes.

Oil is found in the ground and off-shore.  That's the people's resource; government issues permits to drill on the people's land.  The President should call in the oil company CEOs and tell them that a certain percentage of domestically produced oil must be sold here.  If they refuse, the President slaps an export tax on their shipments and, maybe, shuts down their oilfields.  That's the defender of capitalism, knight of the free marketeers talking.  He actually trumpeted that proposal as the lead-in to his show.  It was surreal.

It is hard to believe that 12 million people tune in to him every week-night, just plain hard to believe.  I have a harder time trying to understand why they would be interested.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Abortion, Contraception and the Death of a Nation

Nowadays, I'm the oldest lawyer in the courthouse.  Even the judges are more deferential or, at least, more polite.  Not only do I have four grown children, each of my seven grandchildren is grown and out of college.  Plus, I am blessed with a now 7-year old son.  Thus, as they say, I walk the walk of which I talk.

I make no arguments as to abortion; each sides are obvious to any sensible person.  Nonetheless, the truth of choice is the consequence of the death of a new life.  Looking at my 7-year old today confirms the wisdom of the choices made by his Mother and me.  I cannot imagine this world with him having been tossed into a container of bleeding fetuses, dumped into a landfill or worse.

In this nation of ours, we have legalized abortion so that it has become a legal right.  I don't like or agree with it but then, I don't like or agree with some other legal rights.  So, I grant that a woman has a legal right to choose.  I do not believe there is an attached legal right for that same woman to expect me to pay for her exercise of her legal right or the consequence thereof.  I paid for my 7-year old's birth and continue to pay for the costs of his life.  Someone said that just because he had a legal right to bear arms, he did not have the legal right to a tax-payer provided gun.

I believe abortion morally wrong even if a legal right.  Contraception is different; its morality is less clear.  Its consequences, however, are similar to abortion's.  The truth is that the consequences of each is the Death of a Nation.  Since Roe, more than 50 million American children have not been born.  Since contraception became so accessible, uncounted millions more American children were not conceived, much less born.  Add it up; what do you get?  The Death of a Nation.

Those unborn American children have nonetheless left their indelible mark on our country; they left an emptiness in America; fewer children means fewer customers, fewer workers, fewer payers into social security systems.  Fewer children means less future.  Put another way, less America.

And so, into the space of those missing millions of American children, have stepped the millions of children of non-Americans, forever changing this country to something radically different from the way we were to be into what we know not.  Thus is the unintended consequence of choice the Death of our Nation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Mrs. Clinton at State and Ms. Rice at the UN are stamping their collectivist left feet at the intransigence of China and Russia for voting against the UN Resolution re Syria.  La-dee-da.

The girls and their political friends, eager to take down Libya's Ghaddafi, are atwitter about some other approach to removing Assad from Syria.  They couldn't wait to bomb Libya but urge sanctions-only in Syria

Who knows?  They don't.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Real Story of the Republican Primary Race

There is an endless number of pundit articles dissecting the Republican primary race but your ever contrarian writer sees more than meets the average pundit's eye.  Behold.

It is fact that there have been eight state elections.  Four have been won by Santorum, three by Romney and one by Gingrich.  Most analysts describe a horserace, replete with touts, charts and odds.  What I see is a constitutional republic writ loud and clear.  The several states are yet truly different even among the supposedly united front of a political party.  Despite the homogenizing effects of television and other major media forms, Americans are of substantially different opinions on important issues.  Thus, the essence of our Constitution, federalism, still shines brightly.

Even though E Pluribus Unum is our nation's motto, one size does not fit all.

My Recovery

Listening to Hussein Obama's interview with Matt Lauer, I heard Hussein say: " recovery..."  Unbelievable narcissism in that person.  "My recovery" indeed.  As if his policies haven't restrained and retarded whatever recovery exists.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Irish Catholic Families

Hussein Obama's wife recently expressed her disdain and distress at those Irish Catholic families who, she said, run Chicago.

I am distressed by black families who cannot control their children or themselves and who commit the vast majority of violent crime in these United States.