Saturday, May 15, 2010


Once again, facts are stubborn things.  My home state of California is broke, insolvent, basically bankrupt.  None disagrees with that description.  As to the question of why, there are many opinions.  One view is that decades old Proposition 13 has failed to produce sufficient property tax revenues for the political class to rain down more goodies on  impoverished Californians.  In truth, California has suffered its financial death from some major blunders and an endless parade of earmarked, targeted goodies for some favored group.

One favored group - illegal immigrants - is rarely mentioned in the major media as a cause of California's fiscal woes.  Facts, however the chattering class tries to ignore them, keep getting in the way.


There are 19,000 (!) illegal immigrants in California's State prisons.  They cost the State $860,000,000 a year even after accounting for federal support.  And this does not count illegal immigrants in county jails.  Think of the total as nearly $1,000,000,000.

A billion is still a lot of money where most Americans come from.  And if Arnold could cut a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon we'd be in better financial shape.  But he won't cut this billion.  The Terminator is afraid.  Afraid of his "legend", his wife, her family and the media: afraid of being called a racist, anti-immigrant or bigot.

A real governor would execute the killers in this bunch of criminal illegal immigrants  and return the rest to their home country; i.e., kick the Mexicans over the line at San Diego and dump the rest on the doorsteps of their respective country's consulates.  Alternatively, a governor could sub-contract their care to Arizona's Sheriff Joe rather than spend 45,000 California dollars on each and very criminal illegal immigrant.

And Voila!  Two birds with one stone!